WOW! Keep up the fun! Don't stop your self confidence! Its amazing that you have SO much, never
loose it! You rock! Go GIRL! Trombones! YEA! Same to you as to the other Miss Tombone! Have
much fun at prom, we all know you will! ;) Good job tonight!!!! See, you had no problems, no random droping
mutes :)!! Be happy!!! Think, well, you know who to think about! ;)HAPPY, rather
belated, 16th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DRIVE! YEA!!!!!
BE HAPPY!!!! :)
Yes, yes, we know you're already on depravation, I'm teasing and I shouldn't be!
You have a whole summer left! Focus on that before you focus on next fall, I know it's hard but try!!!! Can you
believe we're just 2 years away from being seniors? Wow...!
BE HAPPY!!!! :)
Aya! Apparently summer means EVERYONE disappears, including you! :P Naw, I'm teasing! You rock,
and when you're around we should try and do something!
Talk to you soon!
P.S. BE HAPPY!!! :)
Hi, hello, how are you? lol, I'm talking to you while I'm writing this! ;) Have fun with whatever you are
doing! Keep e-mailing me, you can call to, if you want!
Talk to you soon!
Miss you!
P.S. BE HAPPY!!! :)
Long moment, sorry about that! Wow, I think you are super hyper over worked right now! You need to find time
to discharge!!!! Now for the big question, are you still doing marching band? It's totally fine if you're not,
I'm just curious!
Talk to you soon!
Wow, Sara, I'm "shocked" you are not on Joey withdrawl! I really did not think you would be. Anyway, I hope
everything is going okay for you! You really seem to have a ton of homework this year, so I hope all of that works out
for you. lol, I hope it gets better for you.
Talk to you soon!
SARA!!!! I hope you are feeling better! REMEMBER! Your dear -cough, cough- English teacher should always
be nicer to you than he was this week! Remember that! You are a hardworking student and a wonderfully
sweet person! Keep that in mind and do not forget it!
Sara, baby you are scaring me! You're on Joey OVERLOAD, my g-d! I'm not sure wether to be happy or run for
cover, lol! I am just teasing you, you deserve happiness, you never ask for much more than that, and now you have it!
Congrats, you are lucky! LOL, Sam P.S. BE HAPPY!!! -11/4/06
could be teasing and a little cynical right now, but that just wouldn't be right today! I know that you are not only
giving thanks for Joey, I know that there are so many things and people in this world for which you are thankful! Because
of this you brighten my day, you make me smile, even if it is only for a little while...not ryhming. You are the sunshine
of the cloudy days, you make so many peoples worlds spin, and I hope you can remember that! For all this that you have
done, thank you!
Thank you!
Hey you! Are you feeling better? I hope so, whatever you had was nasty! So, how is your break so far?
Wonderful? I hope so! Getting lots of fun presents? lol, penguin...haha, well you asked for it! I'm
such a dork, I know! lol :)
Happy Holidays,
When we were freshman you and I had our ups and downs, but on the whole we have pulled through it all. You've been
there for me when there was no one else. You've listened and heard, and responded with so much sanity! With the
amount of stress you have had on you this year, the amount of time you have been able to dedicate to myself and others is
incredible, for that I thank you!
For my dear friend,
Love and *HUGS!!!*,